Here are some pics of what I have been doing in the yard, the weather has been beautiful, and its awesome to spend time outside. I have an area on the side of my house that never gets much attention, a few years ago we put in a couple of railroad tie planters and some gravel, and we planted a few things, but its be very neglected over the past couple of was overgrown with weeds everywhere. So I pulled all the weeds, we had also planted a berry bush back there, big mistake, it grow everywhere and has little thorns, so it wasnt easy getting everything out of there. So I decided to plant a primitive garden, I have tons of rusty iron crap laying around, an old iron headboard, lots of fun junk, so I decided to use it all over there.........I planted some squash, tomatos, bell lets see what happens! Its cute anyways!!!!! I love the prim look, Ive been shying away from it a little in my house, but its in full bloom in the back yard....Its been so much fun sitting out there where the bird houses have been full of babies, but the babies have all flown the coop so to say.......but they are still around, and I love watching the mommas feed them.
The last picture is of my CVS score last week.......I think I have enough MandMs to last forever, and body soap for an army.....Im totally addicted to the Grocery Game......its all about the free stuff!!!!!
I have other news too....I have decided to take care of myself alittle, so Iam taking a bit of a leave from my job to have some maintanence work done.....NO girls, its not a face lift, thats down the road, lol......but I do have some varicose veins Im having Iam off til fall. I plan to use this time to enjoy life and slow down a bit, and enjoy friends and family I have ignored for a long time.
Speaking of friends, my dear high school buddies are on a road trip, I couldnt go this time, but they are called me every 500 miles or so, and I tell ya they are laughing thier asses off, I wish I was with them. We have decided to make it an annual event, so we will be going to Lake Tahoe next year. Anyways, have a great time my dearest friends, and dont laugh to hard or you just might pee your pants!!!!
Let's see, thats about all for now, I will be posting a little more often now that Im a lady of leisure.......maybe I will even get some sewing in soon!!!!!!!