Thursday, November 29, 2007

Craft night.....

OK, the girlfriends meet tonight, and I have a special craft laid out for us...can you guess what we are going to make???? I will take pics of the finished products, that is if we finish, lol, the girlfriends are known to gab, a lot.......
As for me, I'am working half as many hours as I did last year, and still I seem to always be my New Years resolution, that Im making early, is Im going to go on a flylady binge and purge, starting the day after New Years, I vow to purge all the crap that is weighing me down, I will spare nothing, if I havent used it in the last year, if I dont adore it, it goes, no mercy.....
So, you heard it exceptions, BIG yard sales.....every thing goes......


Tracey said...

love how you are going to purge everything you havent used in a year...or dont ADORE, good luck, I seem to fall into adoration all over again everytime I try to part with my clutter. Love you

Lee Weber said...

Love this idea- I have been doping serious purging lately. Unfortunately I have to decide whether to spend my free time crafting or purging... but I'm making headway!

glenni said...

wish i could have been there to make your project!!!!
purge, oh i am so there with you, although how come i've been purging for a year and i still can't park in the garage??? LOLOLOL