No better way to spend a sunday afternoon than at Dodger Stadium on a beautiful day!!!! We did have a scare tho, it was raining when we left our house, but by the time we got to LA the sun was shining, and shining on the Dodgers too because they shut out Boston 8-0......since this is the last day we decided we can eats carbs before the wedding, we went to Phillip's for beef dips, yummy as always!!!!
When we got home I went to the grocery store because its sunday and its all about the free stuff.......I saved almost 70.00 today......not bad!!!! My final bill, 25.00 for all this and more, some of it doesn't show in the picture! I now officially have enough deoderant and toothpaste to open a shop.....But what am I supposed to do, its FREEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really think if I took this whole thing seriously, I could truely whittle my grocery bill down to nothing.....not of course on the no carb diet, but down the really can eat for very little if you follow the sales......and I dont think you would ever have to pay for toiletries and cleaning supplies if you played the grocery game!!!! Of course I guess you can figure that we blew a weeks grocery budget in just one day at the game and eating out, but hey, whos counting, lololol. We had a blast and so thats all that matters right!!!! I dont know how good I would ever be at the frugal game, but its fun trying!!!!!
I will blog more tomorrow, I have goodies to share from my visit from Sharon who came to see me at work yesterday bearing gifts.........but I need to go take a walk, I ate today like Im starting my diet tomorrow, count down to the wedding ......10 weeks to lose 20 pounds, can she do it???????????