My sister and I went to the Long Beach Quilt show last night and had a great time......Im really into prim and there were some nice primitive booths, and lots of wool yumminess! this book is called Summer Gathering and has a ton of cool wool projects......
I loved this pattern...anything with birds and Im hooked....
found some cool wools.....
Loved these fabrics and I see suitsuits in the future!
Iam in LOVE with these patterns, click on the pic to see them up close.....I will be making skelleys soon!
Heres the cover of the book I got....and below are all the kits to make some of the projects.....
I loved the tags on the bag this booth gave out, too stinkin cute....
This was a booth that I had never heard of the company, locals out of Temecula cali....LOVED it..all prim...Im so inspired and motivated now!!!!!!
As usual Primitive Gatherings was one of my favs....and when I dropped th most cash....LOVE this booth!!!!
Heart to Hand was another fav.........
and here I leave with some pics of the bounty from my modest little garden......lots of peaches too........
My sister posted some awesome pics of some of the quilts we can see them here...hope you enjoy them!