Well, it happened, I almost expected it...my computer crashed Christmas morning...hubby was reading email and he got the blue screen of death.....so something is very wrong......thank God I have a lap top, but until I figure out how to put pics on this computer, there will be no blogging....but I will work on it and as computer ignorant as Iam it cant be that hard, can it?????
In the meantime, run on over to Chelseys blog and check out what she got for Christmas....Im now a puppy granny, and they are adorable....
We had an amazing Christmas, only thing missing was my oldest......I miss you Tracey, thanks for the awesome gifts!!!!
ok, I will work on the picture thing and hopefully figure it out in a day or 2....I still need to post pics of my gifties from the sistas!!!
and all my other gifties.........
Back soon with pics I hope!!!!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Party Time!!!!!
The sistas decided to get together for a little party.........you know, fun.....food...presents.........buttery nipples.........
Sharon brought the most amazing cake I have seen since the last one she got for NoBlogs birthday...this was a work of art, we hated to eat it...........well, not really, they taste as good as they look!
There were presents, which I will showcase next blog.........
There was lots of yummy food..............as usual...you know 2 of the sistas are trying to see how much we can GAIN before we go on diets in the New Year........the other sista says shes not as fat as us so shes not going on no diet,LOLOLOLOLOLOL........
Heres another shot of the star of the night........
OK...Im off to enjoy Christmas Eve with my family..............only part of me is missing, my heart is sad that I cant be with my oldest, shes way far away where its cold and snowy...Tracey, I miss you with all my heart, and I wish you were here!!!!
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
70s Rocked.......and so did we
Chelsey had a 30th birthday party for her hubby...gee that still sounds odd to say.......it was a blast, and I danced til I dropped....so much fun, the BeeGees, disco, YMCA.....I loved it..
Do you think he had a good time???
Lindsey...thought you might enjoy this pic....garter boy looked hot!!!! AND he asked about YOU!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Play day...........
Well, since Im a lady of leisure and have never had time off like this at the holidays, I have time for FUN!!!! and what better fun than a play date with my favorite cupcake...for a day of sewing and what else, EATING!!!!! Sharon always makes sure her guests dont go hungry, and leave a couple pounds heavier!!!! we tore into the cinnamon rolls she made us before I got a picture, but they were a yummy way to start the day!!!!
Now since blogspot never cooperates, my pictures as usual are not in order...AND does anyone know why I can only post 5 pics to a post??
So, this is what I came home to from Sharons....MY POLKA DOT SWAP!!!!! all the way from down under.....thank you DAWN so much, you really took the time to know what I like, and you are the BEST!!!!! can you write to me please, I dont have your email and I would love the let you know how much I love my crow, and my RED tote.....this gals got my number!!!!!!!!! This crow is awesome, he will fit right in with my crow collection, I love him...and Im going to use the tote TODAY!!!!!!!!!
Well, we did manage to make quite a mess on Sharons table, but we got a lot done, I made a table topper, ya all know how I love my table toppers, and with the left over charm squares I made a runner. I told Sharon I could do it in 2 seconds, and I did practically...until she pointed out that I screwed up and promptly handed me her sew ripper!!!! ok ok, I get a little impatient..........anyways, I left my treasures for Sharon to work her magic on Daisy, and I will get them when we have our NEXT playdate!!!!!
We worked up quite an appetite.......so Sharon whipped out this yummy pastami and we had the best sammies, with pickles and mustard, yummmm......I even had room for a few M&Ms.......red and green of course.......
Now you know a day at Sharons is not without gifties, but since this dang blogger only lets me put 5 pics at a time, thats a post for tomorrow...I promise....but I will be wearing one of them to work today!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok, speaking of the W word, which Iam seriously trying to avoid this season, I guess I better get ready and go sell some perfume!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
I made this rag border years ago, it took forever but I love it......
Heres my mantle with all the snowmen made by my bff Glenni......matter of fact, lots of my decorations come from Glenni, thanks girlfriend!!!!
This old fellow was made by another friend, raggedyoldfriend, I love to take out all my decorations and think about the friends that made them for me.
Today I went to one of my all time fav stores, its in Old Towne Claremont......Im sure some of you will reconize the awesome wrapping they do..........its not Christmas without a Trip to Barbaras!!!!!! After finding just the right goodies, I relaxed with a gingerbread latte and plotted my next stop.......a lovely little shop in the village called Jasmines.....I just love going to the village, and you can always find just the right thing for just the right person.......
I asked the gal at Barbaras how long it takes to set up for Christmas, because the shop is magical..............get this....they close the store for...10 DAYS, 9 PEOPLE........they empty out the entire store and fill it with the most awesome goodies..........I took my camera to take pics for you, but I never got it out of my purse, I was too mesmerized by all that was within...
ok, we are having crazy Santa Ana winds again here in so cal.....you know what that means, fire danger, keep your fingers crossed for us.........
Monday, December 8, 2008
A Sadie Update........
Is this just the cutest little fanny you have ever seen?????
I spent the better part of the day decorating.....and I made a decision this year to only use the things I love and adore, I dont have to put EVERYTHING out just because I have it, right. So after Christmas this year, what I didnt use goes to the Goodwill, I hope to cut in half what I have, maybe even more.......what about you, do you feel you have to put everything out just because you have it???
I will post some pictures tomorrow.......
Monday, December 1, 2008
We are broken hearted......
We are sad puppy parents right now..........our baby jumped off a chair last night and blew out her kneecap....never thought that was possible, but I guess it is. We spent 4 hours in the doggy emergency room, x-rays, lots of pain meds, and a diagnosis that may include knee surgery if this doesnt pop back in.....
Shes pretty medicated right now and she still wants to walk around on 3 legs.......its so sad.
The saddest part of the was a family my heart just aches for, thier precious family member couldnt be saved , and the kids were devastated, so were the parents, and I could not help but cry for them. One question I will ask God if I ever have the chance, why cant our pets live as long as we do..........they are our best friends.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I love red..........
I promised a few pics of what I bought on our outing to Temcula, and I realized I really didnt buy that much, but I sure couldnt resist this jar with the red lid!!!!
I also found some very cool Halloween fabric at 50 % off, Im thinking Halloween Annies!
I did also buy this vintage repo santa thermonador, dont know why, but it is awfully cool........and it was very cheap.
Janine who has no blog bought us these darling RED cups wrapped in a RED plaid dishtowel and filled with goodies, thanks Janine!!!!
Now if you read yesterdays blog you read that I am stressed about my computer, and how its acting up and how old it is......well, dear hubby surprised me with a new one, a HUGE surprise because he got me a MAC.......omg......another thing to stress about, I know NOTHING about them and I guess I will have to take some classes, Im not even gonna take it out of the box til I learn how to use it, and that could be not until after the holidays.
OH, and another stress, my newlywed daughter just informed me Im to be a grandma...........to another litter of Bostons, due Dec. 20............gotcha!!!! The reason its a stress is they cannot be left alone for awhile, and its Christmas........I guess she will be hosting the traditional ciopino dinner Christmas Eve...........works for ME!!!!!!!!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I know...I know....
I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving, we did.........and I have no pictures today, first time I have ever blogged without pictures but my computer is giving me grief...dang thing keeps saying Im out of room, whatever that means, says I need to free up space.....well, I have deleted everything but the kitchen sink, and it still keeps saying that, my SIL says maybe I deleted something I shouldnt have,lololol............well, it may be time to hit the sales and land a brand new one cuz this one is ancient, and maybe thats the problem. I think its at least 5 years old, and isnt that ancient in the puter realm?
OK, enough of that, Im irritated enough, old women shouldnt have to deal with new technology.........well, Im really not all THAT old,lololol..........but as we were sitting around the Thanksgiving table last night we were talking about what we DIDNT have when we were young,lololol...........it was funny.....we talked about how we didnt have pantyhose, we had to use garter belts and nylons, remember that? and I remember when there was no microwave, and no pampers, and of course no computers or cell phones. The young ones were stunned.........what in the world did we do with out all that stuff...........truth is, we may have just be better off. Less complicated, less stressed. I NEVER had to stress about not enough space on my hard drive. Or try to figure my cell phone out. What about you, was it a less stressful time???
This is black friday and Im on my way to work, I pray its busy, our economy needs it. I will work all weekend, then I will catch up with you Monday, I know I promised pictures of all the goodies from my trip to Temecula, I promise I will get those up, I after all do have another computer, a lovely laptop I got last year, however, I have to figure out how to get my pictures onto it..............awwwwwwwwwww.....another thing to stress about.
OK, enough of that, Im irritated enough, old women shouldnt have to deal with new technology.........well, Im really not all THAT old,lololol..........but as we were sitting around the Thanksgiving table last night we were talking about what we DIDNT have when we were young,lololol...........it was funny.....we talked about how we didnt have pantyhose, we had to use garter belts and nylons, remember that? and I remember when there was no microwave, and no pampers, and of course no computers or cell phones. The young ones were stunned.........what in the world did we do with out all that stuff...........truth is, we may have just be better off. Less complicated, less stressed. I NEVER had to stress about not enough space on my hard drive. Or try to figure my cell phone out. What about you, was it a less stressful time???
This is black friday and Im on my way to work, I pray its busy, our economy needs it. I will work all weekend, then I will catch up with you Monday, I know I promised pictures of all the goodies from my trip to Temecula, I promise I will get those up, I after all do have another computer, a lovely laptop I got last year, however, I have to figure out how to get my pictures onto it..............awwwwwwwwwww.....another thing to stress about.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Field Trip........
Once again blogger has got my pictures all backwards, so I will just go with the flow......Tuesday me, Sharonand Miss NoBlog decided to make a run down to Temecula to meet Tammyand Janine for a day of shopping and feasting......and then more shopping....we went to a BBQ place that Sharon reccommended and omg was it heaven.....I had brisket, yams and cornbread.........we also had an order of garlic chips that was one of the highlights of my life, Im NOT kidding......Tammy and Janine were very brave and they had nachos with jalepenos, big ones....
Check these out!!!!!!
Of Course Sharon had to try on some hats.......
Isnt she the cutest cupcake???
Here we are at Quilters Coop....I think we made thier day, maybe even thier week!!!!!
I will show you all the goodies I bought tomorrow.......
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Im here..........
Blogger is being very uncooperative and is not listing my pictures in the order that I put them, so I hope I get this right. It's been awhile since I blogged, I had good intentions, but it seems the less I work, the lazier I get....BUT Im back at work selling perfume, at least thru the holidays....if this economy doesnt pick up I probably wont have a job after Christmas, hard to sell a $80.00 bottle of perfume when people are hurting!!!! Anyways, this little ladybug is the cutest thing, Sharon surprised me with her at our sewing/birthday celebration....gee, Nancys birthday and I get gifts...I like that!!!!!
This picture is totally out of order, but as Im sure you have seen, because I think its on the news all over the country,we are on fire here in cali.....this fire is right in Sharon and Nancys backyard....its about 25 minutes from me, but we sure are getting the smoke, so I dont know how they are breathing down there. So much tragedy when homes are lost....its hard to be happy when so many are so sad.
OK...heres that square dance quilt Nancy taught us, my first big people quilt, remember, well, Red did her magic on it and I love it so much!!!! Shes amazing and if you need any quilting done give her a holler....she was even kind enough to put the borders on for me since I have been handicapped with the finger.
I went over and Sharon and I had a sewing day.....we made these darling little bags....and I made a big bag too, they are so much fun.....Sharon has made enough of these to gift everone is southern cal.......shes a bag makin machine!!!!! I just love the fabrics, they are so happy!
Heres a sampling of some of the goodies the gals brought back for me from market.....and Nancy sent me this awesome Quilting for Joy book in the mail, I had mentioned how I loved the Dasiy quilt months ago and she remembered.
Well, as I get ready to go to work today, Im thinking about the folks who are displaced from the fires, I know many people who live in Corona and Chino Hills and I pray for them and that thier homes are safe. Sometimes I have a bad habit of feeling sorry for myself.....like the other day I was whining about my finger and I saw a gal in a wheel chair and I felt 2 feet tall......and here Iam whining about having to clean my house before work, and 1000s are evacuated and hoping they have a house to go back too........God forgive me.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Pardon my screw up...
I have tried twice to get my post right but for some reason my pictures are all out of sequence, both times, and right now this finger is throbbing, so when you read the post below, dont blame me for everything being messed up, blame blogger!!!!!!!
Sewing with the sistas......
Well, of course we cant have a party with out the cheeseball can we........let the festivities begin!!!!!! We gathered at Sharons saturday for a day of sewing, with an ulterior motive, we also celebrated Ms. Noblogs birthday, you can see those pictures here and here . I tell ya that cake Sharon got was the cutest yummiest cake I have ever tasted, go check it out.
Hey, whats Sharon doing, shes supposed to be making shrimp bisque, looks like shes drinking lunch!!!!!
Arent these plates cute.....I bought 3 of them for each of us for gifts then I dropped them on my garage floor and broke all of them so I went back to the store for 3 more and guess what , they were gone...........never fear, great minds think alike, Sharon had picked up 3 of the SAME plates for us...it ws so funny, as I was telling the girls about it and discribing the plates, out she comes with the same dang plates!!!!!
Heres just a sampling of the goodies Sharon brought me back from quilt market, I will post all the other goodies they brought me tomorrow, my finger is getting sore from typing.
Isnt this purse cute.....its just one of the goodies Sharon brought me, more tomorrow.
I go in to have my stitches taken out in the morning, wish me luck, I want to sew this week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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