And record breaking heat.......I thought I was going to Sequoia National Park to escape the heat....but it followed us there, it was the hottest weekend they had seen in a long time! My cousins and my Aunt Honey and I all made the drive up to the Sequoias to enjoy a Mother Daughter retreat, they invited me along, and I was delighted to have a whole weekend with my family!!!!! We enjoyed beautiful scenery, amazing food, awesome speakers, and each others company....we took long walks around the lake, and sang ourselves to sleep with silly childhood songs, remember on top of old smokey,lolololol.....well, WE do!!!!! there were touching moments that made us cry, and made me appreciate so much my only Aunt and cousins, and how much I love them......
Seeing these majestic sequoias, that have been around since before Christ was born, was very humbling....they are immense, and so beautiful! There were deer, and bear prints, and lots of fish....I loved every minute of it. Then we left the 100 degree heat on Sunday and drove down to Solvang, then thru Santa Barbara...where we went from 100 degrees to 75 degrees in a matter of minutes!!!!!!! It was not a good food weekend, and sunday was really bad, lots of Danish , and of course Ableskevers, a favorite of this Norweigian!!!!!
We are on count down to the wedding, 25 days left my daughter informed me today.....ok, now Im a little scared...........
Last but not least, here is Sadie, shes dressed up in her Dodger shirt because daddy thought she might bring them good luck, they needed it, and they Won THE DAY SHE WORE THE go Dodger Blue!!!!!!!!!
nice legs!
Lucky you! I LOVE the Sequoia's!! Sarah and I did a mother daughter backpack with a group of friends up there year before last. Nothing like being in the Sequoia's to make you appreciate the wonder of God's creation.
My neighbor was in Solvang this weekend too! Apparently there is a cool quilt shop up there. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. How great to have had this time with her the month before she marries :)
in shorts, go you!!now send me the heat, i'm freezing, it's 46 degrees and i have my heat on, wahhhhhhh!!!
HEY Chelsey!! I was gonna say that first!!!!!
NICE LEGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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