I promised a few pics of what I bought on our outing to Temcula, and I realized I really didnt buy that much, but I sure couldnt resist this jar with the red lid!!!!
I also found some very cool Halloween fabric at 50 % off, Im thinking Halloween Annies!
I did also buy this vintage repo santa thermonador, dont know why, but it is awfully cool........and it was very cheap.
Janine who has no blog bought us these darling RED cups wrapped in a RED plaid dishtowel and filled with goodies, thanks Janine!!!!
Now if you read yesterdays blog you read that I am stressed about my computer, and how its acting up and how old it is......well, dear hubby surprised me with a new one, a HUGE surprise because he got me a MAC.......omg......another thing to stress about, I know NOTHING about them and I guess I will have to take some classes, Im not even gonna take it out of the box til I learn how to use it, and that could be not until after the holidays.
OH, and another stress, my newlywed daughter just informed me Im to be a grandma...........to another litter of Bostons, due Dec. 20............gotcha!!!! The reason its a stress is they cannot be left alone for awhile, and its Christmas........I guess she will be hosting the traditional ciopino dinner Christmas Eve...........works for ME!!!!!!!!!