Seems like the rain has finally stopped and spring might just be peeking out......
well, I dropped a tiny little hint to my bff in New England and she sure came thru, look at these gorgeous blue wools she sent me.....enough for plenty of little birds....
My Micheals coupon was burning a hole in my pocket and look what I found, a tote for my slice!!!!! Too flippin cute!
Have I ever mentioned that I LOVE red?
My tomatos are in.......Im hoping for more than I got last year, I think I planted them too late last year and tons of them never got ripe? I dont get much sun so Im keeping my fingers crossed.....
Lettuce has sprouted! radishes too....
and the peach tree looks beautiful.....I hope we get a lot this year.
This is a gloriously busy month for me...lots to do and make.....this weekend my sister is having a shower for Chelsey...and that should be fun...only 4 more weeks, can you beleive it???
Next weekend promises to be a blast.....I cannot wait...details to follow.
The weather has been amazing here, even spent the other day at Glen Ivy, but someone should have told me to TRY ON my bathing suit, because 1/2 the weight I lost was obviously in my boobs, and my bathing suit looked hilarious on me...lolol...thats why there will be NO pictures of Glen Ivy....I know some got onto facebook thanks to my sister and others, but none will make it onto
Happy Spring everyone!!!!
Completely jealous of your spring flowers... Can't wait to see your wool project. Gorgeous colors.
Cute stuff. I too can't wait to see your wool projects.
You can never go wrong with RED!
Love this post. Have a GREAT Birthday weekend, and fun at the shower. I will talk to you next week. Have to leave early in a.m. for four days for fumigation.
Happy Spring!
I am so ready for spring!
good for you planting your garden already, good luck with those tomatoes!
Love that table runner with the bunny, very cute!
hmmm guess you like Pottery barn?
me too!!!!!
Happy Spring!
Too funny about the bathing suit :)
That is some gorgeous wool there...can't wait to see what you do with it. Love your garden beginnings!
a tree in bloom with PINK flowers, i am soooooo jealous!
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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