It has been quite a year.......got together with old high school friends..
almost lost the love of my life....
Lost him......

Gained her....
It has been a year of huge ups and downs....and at the end of it all....I can say..Im beyond grateful for the gifts I have been given. I have lost friends...gained new friends...been betrayed...been blessed..lost loved ones...gained a grand daughter...hated...loved...and at the end of the day I would not change my life a bit.
I will share in the next few days my goals for 2011....
Gratitudes.....this is something I have seen on other blogs and Im going to incorporate into mine, I love this idea..things I'am grateful for TODAY..
lunch with dear friends
a hot shower
Happy New Year friends!
I hope 2011 brings more ups than downs. Happy New Year! La
Yep...a good year! Especially with the arrival of your little sweetie pie. And who could live without Uggs? And they said they were out of style. HA!!
Uggs....never out of style! LOL.....Happy New Year!
Great post...we all have so much to be thankful for!
ok, anonymous was me, duh, i forgot my name, just wanted to let you know your post made me smile.
ok, anonymous was me, duh, i forgot my name, just wanted to let you know your post made me smile.
ok, anonymous was me, duh, i forgot my name, just wanted to let you know your post made me smile.
just call me tech challenged lolol
am sorry you have lost loves ones or friends.....am so far away.you have your health and that is a good thing. I think you must of lost your puppy..if so am deeply sorry for your lost. I didn't know....I had hoped 2011 would be a better year then the last one..but it started off not so good. Now am trying to work on getting well and life. Your are always in my thoughts you need not know my name....love has no name.
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