Thursday, September 20, 2007

Mail Call and Rain make for a cozy day....

Can you beleive it, its raining here in Southern California, not just misting, its a full on rain!!!!!
Now this has its good and its bad points, not good if you have two pansey dogs who dont like to get thier feet wet..........good if you have an alien (thanks Cheryl) vine taking over your back yard.....see previous post. Now that it has more water it may grow 3 feet today instead of the usual one foot.
OK, yesterday was a very good mail day, the much anticipated Escape book came, its "ok", I loved the charms, I NEED the pink soldering kit, Tracey, MOMMA will make those charms you covet!!!!!! (just as soon as she orders that PINK soldering gun!) Also in the mail, the new KC scrapbook PLAY, I havent read it yet, hoping its just not another scrapbook magazine....and oh the long awaiting Martha LIVING, the October issue, we all know how Martha loves Halloween, and so do I........the caramel apples, all the pumpkin recipes.........and its a perfect day for baking.....IF I WAS NOT ON A NO CARB DIET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously, reading this magazine makes me want to make oatmeal cookies, or pumpkin bread.....can I just say at the risk of someone rolling thier eyes....I LOVE Martha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK, I think in honor of the first "real" rain of the year, seriously, Im gonna light a candle, make another cup of tea and read the paper, AND my Martha October issue, bliss...........

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! I love Martha too. Who cares that she went to jail. She was set up!!! Ok, that's my opinion on it alright? I still love her!!! READ ON!!!